
Back Pains: Disc Herniation, Subluxation, And Rib Pain

[Joint Pain] › [Back Pains]

Backs have a wide variety of adverse and painful symptoms and it is easy to get lost in a plethora of diagnosis, so this page zeros in on three of the most common types of pain…

In addition, here are the links for this section to assist you in your research:

Discs may be herniated or bulging or spilled when there are shooting pains down the legs and pain that radiates outward, hot and fiery, into the buttocks and pelvis. When there is a problem with a disc, there are a few things you will need to consider…

Vertebral subluxations will cause nagging, constant, catching pains…

With rib misalignment, you will experience a sharp stab of pain and makes breathing difficult and painful…

Be Aware Of Cauda
Equina Syndrome…

cauda-equina-syndrome-2-728The Situation Can Be Serious when:

Injury to a disc, disc bulge or herniated disc literally causes the body to stop in its tracks…and, it can lead to nerve injury…so

If These Symptoms Appear, call an Ambulance!

  • If you lose control of your bladder or bowels…
  • Have numbness or tingling in the areas where you would sit on a saddle…
  • You experience numbness in genitalia or anus…
  • Have back pain followed by complete sexual dysfunction…
  • You are not able to walk normally…
  • Pain down sides of both legs…


it is nerve damage that can paralyze or even kill.

If you are Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean…) there is a difference in the shape of your sacrum (which is a flat shape), so the symptoms will be heightened and can become more serious more quickly!

Disc Herniation – Recovery Requires
Correct Diagnosis And Reasonable
Time For Rehab And Recovery….

Discs are vital components to your spinal anatomy and all around spinal health…

  • They take in nutrition for the spinal tissues..
  • Discs act as shock absorbers and distribute load bearing through the spine…
  • They add flexibility, allowing us to bend our spines, therefore our bodies…

That is why a disc injury may cause you to feel like you are frozen in place cannot move…!

If any or all of these are occurring:

  • If prescribed pain medication is not doing anything for you…
  • The pain is fiery and shooting down into your legs…
  • If you have pain in the buttock leading to occasional numbness…
  • Tingling down into your feet that does not stop…

What this indicates is that there is a disc injury and possible nerve compression involved…

So…it is time to push for more advanced diagnostics. MRI is the most accurate form of testing the case of a possible herniated disc

X-Ray may not show anything due to swelling around the area, and is not specific enough of a read to determine a correct course of action in the case of some disc herniation…

Should an MRI scan show a tear of the annular fibers (tissue that makes up the disc), there is a good chance that the torn fibers are leaning against nerve tissue in your spine. It is at this point that you may need to consider surgery…

The healing timeline post surgery can be in the region of two years, and is the opportunity to make lifestyle change … it does not have to be a negative thing!

The people whom I have seen come through this the most successfully have been willing to re-think their habits around sleep, food, exercise, and lifestyle in general…

For suggestions in immediate action to take please go to the back pain relief page.

Timelines for healing: If the problem is a disc, depending on recommended treatment, you will be looking at 6 months-2 years of rehabilitation. Expect  healing to be slow…Do not let doctors push you back into work too quickly. People are often conned into this; let them know you understand what has happened to you, and that you are aware of reasonable timelines. Also, show that you are taking active steps toward your recovery.

Aside from getting a ‘sick note’, your recovery should be documented by you in a pain journal that has recorded in it times and dates of:

  • All phycisians you see and what was said during your appointment…
  • All medications and natural remedies you are taking…
  • All back pain symptoms you are experiencing…
  • All back pain exercises you do after inflammation and pain have subsided…

If You Have Back Pains That
Are Dull And Nagging…

You may be experiencing what is known as a vertebral subluxation…

These are classic back pains that  with the help of a chiropractor and some in home treatment, are easily taken care of …

Do you have some or all of these?

  • Dull, nagging back pain that increases when you twist, turn or bend in a particular direction…this can hurt quite badly for days to weeks if not treated.
  • Sitting aggravates it…
  • It feels as though there is a ‘catch’ in your back and if you could only make it pop!

Nothing from inside the human body appears suddenly (unless there is a question of a highly toxic or invasive organism or chemical); there has been a gradual process that has set this situation up…

Over worn heels on shoes…old mattresses…incorrect chair and desk height…, incorrect work top height… broken in sofas…too much junk food… not enough veg and good proteins… an excess of alcohol…smoking…

Damage to any part of the body due to lifestyle and habits occurs over time…but you may only become aware of it ‘suddenly’.

IF…shoes, sofas and mattresses are worn out, they are causing poor posture and your brain has adapted to the malpositioning of your body in space…

IF you maintain eating and recreational habits that don’t support the well being of your body the tissues are going to wear out more quickly than they normally would if you would choose habits that support your body…

Learning and developing an intuitive knowing for what food and exercise supports your body is a lifetime project and learning curve, but one well worth pursuing…

If your back pains have become what you would consider severe back pain you can find out more from this link for other possibilities of what may be causing your joint pain…

Another consideration might be that the source of your back pain could be coming from a genetic inability to digest gluten

Go to exercises for lower back pain if you want to do exercise at home to re-align your back and the rest of you too…

Sometimes, this is all it takes if it is a simple subluxation without other mitigating factors…

Back to the dynamics of vertebral subluxation and malposition:

The maladaptive positioning can cause the muscle tissue along your spine to spasm…

  • The muscles called the ‘Erector Spinae’ have clamped down and pulled a vertebral bone/s out of alignment, which in turn will cause muscle and nerve irritation…
  • heat, swelling and possibly blemishes and/ or skin sensitivity over the painful area…
  • Also, take notice that when you are at rest…the pain will go away, and re-appear in movement.
  • If the back pain stays as intense when you are at rest for over 24 hours, it would be wise to call your chiropractor or physician and get checked out…

Timelines for healing – Subluxation complexes (mis-alignments) can last from days to weeks if you use pain killers. A chiropractor should be able to relieve the soreness in three to six visits, and usually the worst of it will be gone right away.

Also, if you are experiencing dull, catchy, nervy feeling classical back pains, and would like to know more about what you can do at home…

If Its A RibYou
Will Feel Sharp
Localized Pain…

It can happen…

  • That you wake up in an odd position one morning…
  • Lift or pull something unexpectedly heavy…
  • Bend to far in yoga class…
  • Get tackled incorrectly when playing sport…

And there is a range of other options that can be the cause of rib pain…

You may hear a pop in your chest or mid back that is sharp, very painful and you cannot breath without it hurting…

If it is a rib, look for…

  • Sharp stabbing pain upon subtle movement…
  • The pain can be located in the center of the spine and produce mid- back pain …
  • Or in the front along the center of the chest where the rib bones insert into the sternum…which is the bone in the middle of your chest that covers your heart.
  • Sleeping may be difficult due to breathing abnormalities and pain…

Rib pain is a sharp pain that can leave you feeling unable to move; this is due to the bony proximity to lung tissue, intercostal muscles and a huge nerve complex in this area…

If you have been in car accident, or have received a direct hit to the ribs and are in pain, pease get yourself checked out…

  • Cracked or splintered ribs can be dangerous as they can puncture a lung…

Back pains involving ribs do not resolve easily on their own. You can take pain killers to bring the swelling down, but since this is more about cartilage and bony insertions, I recommend a light force methods of Chiropractic for this…

Such as…

  • Activator Methods…
  • Thompson Technique…
  • Sacral Occipital Technique…
  • Active Release Method (A.R.T.)…

When you get in contact with a chiropractic office, ask which chiropractic methods or techniques are used by that doctor…

You can also Google for Dr.s using the techniques listed above and find their location…

Timeline for healing – A misaligned rib can be tender for two weeks sometimes more depending on your build and muscle tone. If you have been adjusted before, it will go back into place more easily…

If it is your first time to a chiropractor, you may need around six visits to allow your body to re-balance itself and become accustomed to being adjusted.

Natural Pain

Over the counter as well as prescribed pain relief medications are fast acting and potent, but what happens if you need to take them to manage your pain over a period of years, or for the rest of your life…?

You may wish to do some research and look into some natural pain relief remedies that will not have the toxic effects on your internal organs that most pain medications do after a lengthy period of time…

I have provided some basic information regarding supplementation that provides natural pain relief to help get you started – just click on the link below…

Natural Pain Relief

[Joint Pain] › [Back Pains]

Disclaimer – This is information on joint pain. I teach, but I do not diagnose, prescibe or treat people who contact me. You are responsible for your condition using your own best judgement combined with what you have learned. Just a heads up – bodies carry unusual differences from time to time, in saying that, you could be one of those rare and unusual beings; if you are in doubt, please contact a physician in your area, so you can rule it out.

Move Freely and Knowledgeably and Be Well!

Dr. Jo

P.S…    “Greater certainty of your condition alone can be a powerful form of pain relief.”

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