
Lower Back Pain Treatment And The O Blood Type

Lower back pain treatment comes in a wide array of forms, so please consider this when looking for a solution:

If you have type O blood and are eating wheat and gluten products, this could be contributing to, or be the actual source of your lower back pain…

On this page; I describe what is happening in your body and what and steps you can take to change this…

Wheat, Corn, Cabbage And Potatoes Are No Go For O…

These are your four main culprits, and did I mention dairy? With the exception of butter, dairy products -especially cheese, cream, and cream cheese…will pack the fat on your middle as if you have been eating lard…

Some type O’s do not have obvious reactions to these foods…

It seems that it has become ‘normal to

  • Lack regularity in bowel movements… we take a laxatives instead…
  • Have trouble losing weight unless its by starvation…and diet pills…
  • Be intensely prone to thrush or candida…for which we apply cream and antibiotics…
  • Employ the use topical ointments as lower back pain treatment…

It is not normal for your body to be medicated as often as we have become accustomed to doing. This, in my opinion anyway, is the result of the pharmaceutical industry normalizing themselves right into our lives…

If you are medicating undigested foods that have been putrefying in your gut and making a nice environment where thousands of ‘bugs’ can breed…

This may come from eating food that is not suited to you genetically or historically…

You might be thinking ‘My food and genetics have caused a sore back and this is why I am looking around the net for a lower back pain treatment…?!’

Type O Blood Is Old And Wild

If you have an O blood type, you are the oldest blood type on the planet; the original hunters and gatherers…

You and your ancestors gathered around fires roasting the meat of wild game and you boiled wild roots and vegetables that you would have gathered from a woodland…

Your ancestors did not sit around the fire baking bread, nor did they plant crops, and they certainly did not go and milk the cow…Type A does that … not you, type O…

The Type O’s also did not sit around too much either, you were hunting or looking for edible plants…and your genetics still push you to do this today…

Even though you live in a world that has you hunting for bargains at the supermarket where your food has been processed, or is from a farm, and is available with very little physical effort…

So its no surprise that there is a trend of obesity, and people with all kinds of back pains across the globe today; between 30 and 40 % of us, depending on what culture we come from, have an O blood type…

Our technology (as much as I do love it) is evolving more quickly than our bodies can…

Its not our fault the world has changed, but there are ways we can change with it that will be healthier for us…!

What Happens In Type O’s Gut…

Wheat products such as pasta, bread and everything made with flour and…

potatoes, corn and cabbage… these particular foods can give you some digestive problems that culminate in inflammation in the intestinal area…

Inflammation sends pain signals along the nerve pathways that connect into the lower back (lumbar spine)…

This is because of a little thing called a Food Lectin…

When you eat food you cannot digest, lectins are produced, your blood becomes sticky because of the lectins and…

Sticky red blood cells stack, and cannot bind to their full compliment of four oxygen molecules; this means your body will have less oxygen for the tissues to use…

These same lectins also get into your joints, causing joint pain…

Which can sometimes be mis-diagnosed as an arthritic condition…

So…eating foods that allow your blood cells all of the oxygen they can carry will benefit your whole body (especially your brain) more than any lower back pain treatment consisting of pain killers or topical ointments…Why Wheat Brings
The Heat…

If you are type O, especially one with a rare profile like me, you lack a set of enzymes that break down wheat and gluten…

When undigested food enters your intestinal tract, it starts getting stuck in the curved, sac like structures called ‘Haustra’… these are structures that maximize the surface area of the intestines…

Your ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients from food relies on the availability of surface area inside the intestinal walls…

If the surface is gummed up with the sticky remains of unbroken down food, your absorption of nutrients and water decreases substantially…

This can result in dry skin, scalloped tongue, thinning hair, weak nails…and of course lower back and in some cases generalized joint pain…

An accumulation of undigested food also putrefies causing the intestines to swell with gas…

A build up of Food Lectins can cause spasms in the gut and slow or even stop bowel movements…

And this scenario causes a hot gut and a back ache that you may attribute to two different causes when in fact both have arisen from eating foods your body would rather you avoid…

Adjusting your diet so that your intestines can clear and your bowels can flush will be one of the best lower back pain treatments as well as full body treatments you can give yourself…

Getting Great Lower Back Pain Treatment.

Any or all of these can help as a lower back pain treatment…

Change one step at a time can be very productive. Changing all at once can cause overwhelm, and this will add to your stress, so one thing at a time, OK..

Dr. Peter D’Adamo is an esteemed Naturopathic Physician… He and his father have been conducting research on blood type since 1957 and have produced several academic publications as well as the “Eat Right For Your Type” series on food and blood type…and the latest of his publications is the ‘Genotype Diet’…

I have followed the O diet for years now myself, and am so much healthier in my gut and back for it…

  • Make an effort to locate a Chiropractor who uses Activator Methods…

Click here for a worldwide list of doctors  : https://www.activator.com/doctor/

  • As a lower back pain treatment this is one of the best in chiropractic today…An Activator Doctor will painlessly re-balance your spine and remove the pain going down the nerve pathways from your intestines into your back…

Natural Pain Relief.

Over the counter as well as prescribed pain relief medications are fast acting and potent, but what happens if you need to take them to manage your pain over a period of years, or for the rest of your life…?

You may wish to do some research and look into some natural pain relief remedies that will not have the toxic effects on your internal organs that most pain medications do after a lengthy period of time…

I have provided some basic information regarding supplementation that provides natural pain relief to help get you started – just click on the link below…]

Disclaimer – This is information on joint pain. I teach, but I do not diagnose, prescibe or treat people who contact me. You are responsible for your condition using your own best judgement combined with what you have learned. Just a heads up – bodies carry unusual differences from time to time, in saying that, you could be one of those rare and unusual beings; if you are in doubt, please contact a physician in your area, so you can rule it out.

Move Freely and Knowledgeably and Be Well!

Dr. Jo

P.S…    “Greater certainty of your condition alone can be a powerful form of pain relief.”

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